Friday, November 28, 2014


As I lay here, my son sleeping beside me, occasionally nursing or snuggling into my side, my second inside me, beating a rhythm with little kicks and bumps, I have a moment of gratefulness sweep over me. 

I barely slept last night. My son decided playtime was going to happen in the middle of the night. I was so cranky and irritable when I woke and I wondered how I would get through the day ahead. And yet I always do. We always do...

I remember now that I am actually one of the lucky ones. I know of women who's hearts and arms ache for their own little one. They've tried for year on year with no success. 

I just read an article on prostitution in North Kolkata, India ( These women live hell on earth, day in, day out. 

I think that gratefulness really is the key- to joy, happiness, contentment and to living the 'dream' life. There will always be more that we want and need. However, it's always a good idea to stop and recognise the 'so much' that we already have...

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