Monday, October 21, 2013

Slowing Down

Our son is now 5 months old. It takes me by surprise, how fast that time has gone. Mind you, there have been moments that have felt like eternity, but overall, I cannot believe that he is growing up so fast. 

I am learning to slow down. Slow down my expectations. Slow down my heart and mind. That does not come easy to me. 

I am learning to enjoy just spending time with our boy. To put down my phone, laptop, etc. and to just lay with him and giggle. It's great fun to find his ticklish spots or to amuse him with funny faces. 

I have to keep reminding myself that raising a son is a worthy way to spend my life. My thoughts keep telling me that I am not doing enough, that my life should count for more, that I should be contributing to God's Kingdom and our community more productively.

I have to trust that God is pleased with my life and my heart. 

And besides, being a Mum is fantastic for character development! I have a lot more opportunities to practice patience when he is cranky, sacrifice when I am tired and don't feel like attending to him and love when I feel stretched with nothing left to give. 

I have a long way to go.