Friday, November 1, 2013

Of Love and Fear

A couple of years ago I was staffing a DTS (Diacipleship Training School) here is Singapore. We were on the week of 'Lordship' and Mark Parker from New Zealand was teaching. 

At the end of the week, he always has one day called 'Lordship Day' which is an opportunity for all staff and students to come to God and fully commit to Him, and to make Jesus Lord over every area of their lives. 

During that day, God spoke to me and revealed that for the majority of my life, I had been ruled by fear. I had allowed fear to control my choices and my mind. 

And it was true. I have so many memories as a child, and then as an adult, of being terrified. I was scared of the dark, scared of performing, scared of being attacked, scared of 'End Times', scared to be noticed, to stand out or be different. 

When God revealed my fears to me, I asked Him to heal me. My favourite childhood memory verse kept coming to me: 

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind". 
2 Timothy 1:7

And God did indeed begin the healing process in me, setting me free of many fears and giving me His freedom to enjoy life and to enjoy being all He created me to be. 

When I look at His deep love for me, the value that He assigns to me, and at His protective heart for me, fear isn't even an issue any more. I am able to be all He designed me to be and to go wherever He leads me to go without fear of 'what if?'

I am not now 'fearless'. I still battle with fear and have to make the choice to relish God's freedom through His perfect love for me. But I have to tell you, fear is a terrible roommate.