Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Yesterday, my husband and I were watching an episode of Undercover Boss, the US version. 

The show's premise is that the head of a large company goes undercover for a week, working at the bottom levels of their own company, to see what life is like down there and to access the company from the inside out. 

At the end of the show, the boss usually does some major acts of generosity towards the various people he worked with during the week. 

It's a pretty captivating show, one that we thoroughly enjoy watching. 

This particular episode (Season 4, Episode 2) featured the company Tilted Kilt, a rather scanky chain of pubs, something like a Scottish version of Hooters. The President of the company, Ron Lynch, went undercover and for one of the days he worked with one of his employees, a family man who worked two jobs and a ridiculous amount of hours, in order to ensure that his family, especial his three children, were well provided for. 

At the end of the week, at the big unveiling, Ron gave this man some serious money, set up a college fund for the kids and sent them all on a holiday. 

The father of the family just sat there saying, 'Thank you, thank you' over and over, crying his eyes out. 

And right there, I had a revelation about grace. Because that's EXACTLY what Jeaus did for me. For us. 

He gave us a gift that we just couldn't repay and we could never work hard enough to earn it. Like the employee, there is no way we could pay the 'boss' back. 

It was a gift: and it's a gift that we can only be deeply grateful for. 

Do you remember the moment you were saved? For me, I grew up being a Christian, but it was only after wandering in my teen years, and then coming back, that the true value of what Jesus had done, and was doing for me, hit me. And like the family man above, I was a shattered mess, weeping on the floor 

If only we could keep that reality at the forefront of our minds. How eternally grateful we would stay, and how deeply in love we would remain. Our love would not grow cold. I guess that's the struggle; to not let the memory of this ridiculous gift of grace to fade. 

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