Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Having been bombarded by anxious and excited uncles and aunties asking tons of questions about our coming baby, I thought it would be fun to answer a few of them here for all to enjoy the answers!

Q. When is baby coming?
A. I don't know. I don't know how to predict such things. We have had many 'prophesies' and predictions giving this or that date... all of which have come and gone. The longer my baby is 'cooking' the better looking and more intelligent he or she will be... That's my theory anyway, and I am sticking to it!

Q. (Upon receiving a text message from me) Are you in labour now??
A. No. If I was in labour, I would not be texting you or anyone else. 

Q. (If you see Joel alone) Where is Jasmin? Is she in labour?
A. No. If you see Joel alone, you can be sure I am not in labour because he will definitely be in there too! 

Q. Can you please let me know when baby is born?
A. Unfortunately not. There is no way to individually text every single person who has asked me to and because of that, I have not promised anyone that I will. I am VERY sure you will hear about it very soon after the event because Facebook has taken over our lives... It is not that we don't want you to know. We just know that it will not be our primary focus at the time and we don't want to promise anything that we cannot fulfill. Sorry! We still love you...

Q. Is it a boy or a girl?
A. Yes. Baby is either a boy or a girl. As we ourselves do not know (and yes, we really don't know) we are unable to tell you. However, we take great pleasure in having people confidently tell us that our baby is 'definitely' one or the other, so feel free to do so for our amusement.

Q. Are we ready? Do we have everything we need?
A. Amazingly, I think so! We have been ridiculously blessed by SO MANY people! We cannot even begin to list the people who have so thoughtfully given us the most useful and practical gifts. It has been such a testimony to us of the blessings of community and the faithfulness of our Father God to provide through such wonderful friends.

Q. Will I be practicing confinement?
A. No, not in an Asian sense. In my culture, we do take time to rest after giving birth, and I will most assuredly be listening to my body, seeing what I need to do to be healed, but I will not be following any specific rules. Just eating healthy and resting as much as I can! (And falling in love with my super cute baby)

Q. Will I have help after giving birth?
A. Yes! Thankfully, my Mum has come over and will be staying here for a few weeks after baby comes. With a background in nursing, she will be most helpful and supportive. Plus she is happy just to wash, clean and cook as required, which is the best kind of help...

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