Saturday, November 24, 2012

Entertain Me!

I was watching an interview with Judy Cornwell (of ‘Keeping Up Appearances’ fame) and she was discussing today’s humour, contrasted against humour 20-30 years ago. She mentioned that these days, humour tends to be crude, aggressive and full of expletives, which she says equals to bad script writing.

I was reminded of one time I was running a Sunday School. The kids were all very cute and lovable, however I noticed that their attention spans were a lot shorter than kids were even only when I was young. Activities had to be planned to be short and full of bright colours and lots of movement. 

I remember as a kid, I could spend hours hand stitching clothing for my dolls, or painting pictures, or reading.

And then I thought about this year. I have spent a LOT of time this year in bed. In March I broke my toe which put me in bed for over a month with an elevated foot. And now being pregnant, and my first trimester being quite difficult, I spent a lot of the past 3 months either in bed or at the least, in my home.Thank goodness my leaders are so gracious towards me. I cannot imagine how I would have survived in a workplace where I could not take leave.

During those periods, I observed in myself a constant need for entertainment. I used to be able to just sit and think or pray for lengths of time without needing to move on to something else. But now, I get bored too easily. 

I think that this is sad. And I think it reflects society. In our ‘instant’ demanding world, we seldom take time out of it all to be still. 

Perhaps that is why God says, ‘Be still and know that I am God...’ Psalm 46:10

Maybe He knows that in a world full of noise and distraction, it’s easy to forget about Him. Or at least to mostly forget about Him. 

I don’t want to be like that. Now, how to get over my Facebook addiction?

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