Friday, December 9, 2011

Detox - Day 2

Woohoo! I got to eat watermelon today! Made quite a change after 36 hours of only water, honey and lemon juice. 
But actually, I feel a bit less hungry now, than I did last night, which is nice. It is usually that way. Whenever I do extended fasting, by day 3 I am usually not hungry at all. But detoxing and fasting are two completely different things and the feel is not the same at all.
Anyway, tomorrow I'll be adding non-caffeine herbal teas like peppermint and chamomile to my diet.
I was doing some research today about healthy eating places here in Singapore. The thing is, I've decided to go on a 40 day intentional diet directly after this detox. But I still have friends to meet. So I am looking for healthy, affordable eating places. 
So far, I am pretty impressed with a place called 'Salad Stop'. I'll be checking them out on Tuesday night.
Another day down and I am quite pleased with myself.
Here's to a healthier me :)

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