Thursday, February 28, 2013


Studying the book of Galatians

SBS. The School of Biblical Studies.

We are four days in and finished studying our first book, Galatians. 

During the week, I've had moments of feeling very overwhelmed. The amount of study time required for this type of Bible study is immense and as I look forward to the fact that in around 10 weeks time, I will be having a baby... Wow! I wonder what on earth I was thinking in taking this on!

But yesterday, I had a moment of revelation.

Even if I were to spend double the money to do this course, even if I managed to do none of the homework and failed completely in terms of grades... even then, if I came to a deeper understanding of who God is, His nature and character and ways... it would have been worth it.

In life, there are things that I attribute value to. They are the things I am happy to spend my time and money on. For example, visiting my Nanna. I will scrimp and save as much as I can to ensure that I get to see her at least once a year. Because my relationship with her has value to me. Another example would be my husband, Joel. We live as frugally as we can because we do not take for granted the blessing of being supported in full time ministry. But I am happy to 'splurge' on him and buy him little treats now and then to communicate that I love him and I love to bless him.

On a side note, it is interesting to compare what my understanding of 'splurging' is now as opposed to when I was working and earning a salary. I'm talking a difference in figures that have two zeros after it.

But taking time out and paying good money to study the Bible... God's Word... what is the value in that? Can't I just do that for free in my own home in my spare time?

Well, yes... I could. But I know that taking out this time, investing my resources into discovering God, that is priceless. And that this precious time will be so integral in my future as a woman, wife and mother and in my ministry.

So that is my desire for the coming 9 months (the length of the full course). I want God. More of Him. Deeper revelations. And not for the sake of perfection or making the grade, but because my life depends on it.

Incidentally, today is the one year anniversary of our ROM (legal marriage). Not that we celebrate it, but I am still so thankful to God for His faithfulness to us over that period.

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