Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I Know Best

I am struggling with the lie that says 'I know best.'

A friend of mine is going through a valley. I do not know what it is about because she would rather not tell me.

Immediately, many judgments rise to the surface inside my heart.

'If only she would...'

'Why doesn't she...'

'If I were her...'

My heart is so deceived that it believes that I actually have a clue. Because I have walked through deep pain, therefore, I know best...

Daddy, open my inner eyes to see the truth of the matter; that I am in no way better, more experienced or more spiritual than my friends. I want to love, stand with and have true compassion towards the people around me. I want to throw off this thick jacket of superiority and pride and to put on humility and empathy...

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