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Lahu Tribe, Northern Thailand, December 2009 |
Last night my husband and I had just finished dinner and were sitting on the sofa and decided that we felt like something for dessert. We went through our fridge and came up with 3 or 4 options for dessert, none of which tickled our fancies.
Afterwards I was thinking about how this is such a first-world problem.
We are the rich few who have so much choice when it comes to food that we are able to follow our taste buds and eat what we feel like.
How often to we stop to think about how incredible that is?
According to recent statistics, 50% of the world live on less than $2.50 a day*. For them, food is a necessity to life, not an opportunity for self comfort.
Now don’t get me wrong, I do not believe that eating good food is of the devil and we should all eat plain rice twice a day and be happy with it.
No, what I am saying is, let’s first recognise how wealthy we are indeed. The fact that we even have choice, proves the fact the we are blessed beyond belief.
And secondly, let’s take a minute to think about our buying choices. I am a firm believer in small sacrifices making huge differences in the world. I do believe that if every one of us gave up one cup of coffee a week, we could use that money to make a profound difference in one person’s life living in poverty.
And thirdly, let’s be grateful. Let us celebrate life. Let us choose to see the abundant life that God has given to us. Let us not think of it as a right that we deserve, but correctly think of it as the overwhelming love and provision of God poured out in our lives.
A friend of mine from Australia just went on a trip to Nepal and her Facebook status this morning expressed deep sadness that in Australia, people spend money on clothes, bags and accessories that cost more than the price of a young girl being sold into prostitution.
It is heart breaking and eye opening.
Doesn't that put things into perspective?
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