For the past two years, I have been learning about faith and finances. Prior to this time, I was working hard, earning a living while studying and had the ability to buy whatever I wanted. Then God asked me to go to Bible College last year and to come to YWAM (Youth With A Mission) in Singapore this year. This time in my life has really challenged my mindset about provision.
I am a good provider for myself. I know what it means to work and get paid. I know how to live within my means and how to budget.
Then I do not need God…
Having grown up without a real Dad, I do not know how to look to God as a Daddy who loves and provides and intentionally seeks to bless me. No matter how much I hear teaching on this, the journey from my head to my heart has proven difficult and God knows that the only way I will ‘get it’ is through experience.
This morning, I have been moaning my money woes. I want to have my hair cut but some money that I was expecting in my account has not gone through. A simple thing, like a hair cut, is now something I have to think about. Previously, I never had to think about where the money for a trim would come from.
I was chatting with JJ on MSN just now, and he told me to ‘not have a poverty mentality; that God would provide for me.’ I have been sitting here and thinking about his words.
I have heard so many times from the pulpit the words ‘stir up your faith!’ said with great enthusiasm. It makes me feel awakened and fired up to believe. Then I walk out of church and too soon forget.
I decided that I will not be a ‘victim’ this morning. I do not want to be depressed and downcast, thinking of my lack rather than of my Jehovah Jireh, my God who provides. I do not want to be a ‘hearer of the Word’ only, and not a ‘doer’.
I sat myself down and began to remember. I told myself stories about how God has miraculously provided for me over the past two years, and even beyond.
I remembered a few months ago I was doing a one-day ironing job and at the end, the lady presented me with a cheque that covered my board for the month… the amazing mobile phone that was given to me… when I came back from outreach with $3 in my purse and by the end of the night I had $50… the list goes on!
My faith is still growing slowly, day-by-day. However, regardless of my faith or lack of faith, my Daddy God continues to be faithful. I have never had no food, no roof over my head, and no clothes. Anything above this is abundant blessing. I just need to realise the fact and change my mindset.
Perhaps instead of focusing on my lack, it would do me good instead to remember the blessings and bask in the love and goodness of my Daddy.
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