Thursday, November 27, 2008

I Dare You: Embracing Life With Passion

‘Taking responsibility for how we live is a brave thing. It takes courage to accept life as it comes to us and it also takes courage to be determined to make the most we can out of it. Life is too short to waste it by always erring on the cautious side or playing it safe instead of pursuing all you can be. It’s time to take action and make your life count: step out of the boat and start working toward leaving a legacy when you are gone.’ [p. ix]
‘It is possible to change our motive by simply making a decision, but we must first know what our motives and purposes are. This requires some deep soul searching few people take the time to do. Quite often we are afraid to really know ourselves. It is a brave person who faces truth about himself and does whatever is necessary to line up with God’s will. I dare you to be bold enough to honestly examine all your motives and be willing to do nothing if you cannot do something for right reason.’ [p. 15]

- ‘I Dare You: Embracing Life With Passion’ by Joyce Meyer

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