Friday, November 1, 2013
Of Love and Fear
Monday, October 21, 2013
Slowing Down
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Night Light for Parents
As the class 5A girls’ race came to a close, I watched a forty-plus-year-old mother—who was wearing patent leather shoes and a skirt and carrying a purse—run the last hundred yards beside her daughter. She saw no other runners. As she ran awkwardly—her long dark hair coming undone and streaming out behind her, giving no thought to the spectacle she made—she cried, “Run, Tami, run!—Run, Tami, run!” There were hundreds of people crowding in, shouting and screaming, but this mother was determined to be heard. “Run, Tami, run—Run, Tami, run,” she pleaded. The girl had no chance to win, and the voice of her mother, whose heart was bursting with exertion and emotion, was not urging her to win.
She was urging her to finish.
The girl was in trouble. Her muscles were cramping; her breath came in ragged gasps; her stride was broken, faltering; she was in the last stages of weariness—just before collapse. But when she heard her mother’s voice, a marvelous transformation took place. She straightened; she found her balance, her bearing, her rhythm; and she finished. She crossed the finish line, turned, and collapsed into the arms of her mother.
They fell down together on the grass and cried, and then they laughed. They were having the best time together, like there was no one else in the world but them. God, I thought, that is so beautiful. Thank You for letting me see that.
Yes, this is encouraging as a new parent. It is a picture of the kind of parent that I wish to be.
But more so, the message that hit my heart was of God's Father heart for me. I could hear Him whisper in my ear, run, Jasmin, run.
Being a Mum isn't a walk in the park. There are major rewards, but also incredible challenges and deep stretching.
Knowing that my Father is there, not requesting perfection, but encouraging me to finish well and do my best job... That is wealth.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Things To Do Before You Have A Baby
But now that I have a 4 month old, there are a few things that I wished I had done beforehand:
- totally, utterly and completely sort out of house
- start my business and build my stock
- go on a very good holiday
- have a manicure and pedicure right before the due date
Friday, September 6, 2013
Friday, August 16, 2013
Shiloh Handmade
I am so excited to make a little announcement!
After years of dreaming, talking and not acting, I've decided to try my hand at a small business. I'm taking it very slowly, building as I can, but you are very welcome to join me for the ride!
Go to: for more information!
This blog will be continuing as my private life blog :)
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Coffee With Coconut Milk
Friday, July 26, 2013
Review: Top 10 Baby Products
Here are my top 10 baby products that I'd recommend.
We weren’t sure if we were going to do disposable or cloth diapering and in the end, we’ve settled on a mix of both. We bought a dozen prefolds (these are the most basic in modern cloth diapers. They are 100% cotton cloth squares, pre folded to size, requiring minimal additional folding.) These are good, but require a cover as they are not waterproof. So we decided to purchase some all-in-one cloth diapers (these look like disposable diapers in shape, closing with velcro or snaps and have an absorbent liner inside). In order to save money, we purchased no brand name all-in-ones, which are quite good, but because they have snap closures, they are only able to adjust in size in increments. We were given a more expensive cloth diaper (Moo Moo Kow Brand - Aplix style) which has a velcro seal. First of all, the velcro makes it size adjustable to the exact required size. Secondly, the quality of the fabric is a lot better than the cheaper models.
While we still find Huggies a great brand and the best that is available in supermarkets, we have since discovered the Japanese brand Moony. This disposable diaper is super soft (almost feels like cloth) and very absorbent. These diapers work out to be $0.40/piece which is cheaper than Huggies from size medium and up. Moony tape diapers cost the same regardless of the size, whereas Huggies prices increase per piece as the size gets bigger.
In Singapore at least, Moony diapers are only available online. We purchase ours from Tiny Tree which has free delivery for orders over $50 so we order two packets at a time to take advantage of this offer.
Tiny Tree
We have since discovered a Baby Wash that we like even better! It is by Four Cows Farm and is available at many locations in Singapore, though we usually buy ours at Mothercare. We find it to be even more gentle on the skin, very subtly fragranced and moisturizing. We noticed that California Baby was a little bit too drying on the skin with prolonged use.
Available at Mothercare for $11.90 for 125mL and $18.90 for 250mL
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Forgiving Myself...
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
My Son
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Q. When is baby coming?
A. I don't know. I don't know how to predict such things. We have had many 'prophesies' and predictions giving this or that date... all of which have come and gone. The longer my baby is 'cooking' the better looking and more intelligent he or she will be... That's my theory anyway, and I am sticking to it!
Q. (Upon receiving a text message from me) Are you in labour now??
A. No. If I was in labour, I would not be texting you or anyone else.
Q. (If you see Joel alone) Where is Jasmin? Is she in labour?
A. No. If you see Joel alone, you can be sure I am not in labour because he will definitely be in there too!
Q. Can you please let me know when baby is born?
A. Unfortunately not. There is no way to individually text every single person who has asked me to and because of that, I have not promised anyone that I will. I am VERY sure you will hear about it very soon after the event because Facebook has taken over our lives... It is not that we don't want you to know. We just know that it will not be our primary focus at the time and we don't want to promise anything that we cannot fulfill. Sorry! We still love you...
Q. Is it a boy or a girl?
A. Yes. Baby is either a boy or a girl. As we ourselves do not know (and yes, we really don't know) we are unable to tell you. However, we take great pleasure in having people confidently tell us that our baby is 'definitely' one or the other, so feel free to do so for our amusement.
Q. Are we ready? Do we have everything we need?
A. Amazingly, I think so! We have been ridiculously blessed by SO MANY people! We cannot even begin to list the people who have so thoughtfully given us the most useful and practical gifts. It has been such a testimony to us of the blessings of community and the faithfulness of our Father God to provide through such wonderful friends.
Q. Will I be practicing confinement?
A. No, not in an Asian sense. In my culture, we do take time to rest after giving birth, and I will most assuredly be listening to my body, seeing what I need to do to be healed, but I will not be following any specific rules. Just eating healthy and resting as much as I can! (And falling in love with my super cute baby)
Q. Will I have help after giving birth?
A. Yes! Thankfully, my Mum has come over and will be staying here for a few weeks after baby comes. With a background in nursing, she will be most helpful and supportive. Plus she is happy just to wash, clean and cook as required, which is the best kind of help...
Sunday, May 12, 2013
One Year of Marriage
Here are some photos of our first year of marriage...
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Pre-Wedding Photo Shoot |
It was a most incredible experience, walking down the aisle, all our friends shouting and my husband-to-be singing, 12 May 2012 |
Our Wedding |
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Husband and Wife! |
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On our Honeymoon, June 2012 |
Joel's Birthday Surprise! July 2012 |
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And baby makes three! August 2012 |
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Praying for Baby, October 2012 |
First time fishing! January 2013 |
School of Biblical Studies started February 2013 |
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Himalayan Tea Latte, our SBS staple, March 2013 |
One year on, married life just gets better and better! May 2013 |
Thursday, May 9, 2013
At The Cross
At The Cross
Hillsong United
Oh Lord, You've searched me
You know my way
Even when I fail You
I know You love me
Your holy presence
Surrounding me
In every season
I know You love me
I know You love me
At the cross I bow my knee
Where Your blood was shed for me
There's no greater love than this
You have overcome the grave
Your Glory fills the highest place
What can separate me now?
You go before me
You shield my way
Your hand upholds me
I know You love me
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Cross-Cultural Living
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Photograph by Andrew Chew, Advocate Images |
Today is our baby's due date...
I think that living cross-culturally is fun and exciting and not at all difficult... until it comes to major life events.
Last year, I was married in a country that was not my own, into a culture that is not mine.
This year, I am having a baby, again in a culture that is not mine.
I have been struggling a bit with it emotionally, beyond the standard ‘pregnancy hormones’ excuse.
It has caused me to really spend time processing and talking with God about why it is all bothering me so very much.
I feel like this last week I have finally come to some place of understanding.
It has been difficult for me because the local context thinks in a way that is on a totally different plane to how I think, and therefore behave. The values are different. The practices and history are different. It is literally like speaking another language with no means of translation, and therefore, no way to comprehend where the other side is coming from.
But now, because this is MY baby, and because I want to do my absolute utmost to make the best choices, from my own knowledge and thinking, that will benefit my baby, there is a much stronger emotion attached to circumstances than there normally would be. The cultural differences that before I could laugh off, find amusing or just ignore are now trying to speak into something that is incredibly important to me. Motherhood is a role I take very seriously. There is nothing casual about my understanding of God’s mandate on me to do this.
But I have been torn. Because in spite of the many, varied and often unwanted and unsought for advice, instructions, ‘commands’ and invasions on my understanding of my own personal space and privacy, I really do see that the ‘other side’ is reacting out of excitement. They are showing their joy the only way they know how. Because for them, their behaviour is normal.
And I want my baby to be loved, wanted and accepted by the various communities that we are a part of. I genuinely want people to have the freedom to celebrate this amazing new gift to us as a family, and to them as our friends and extended family, etc.
So where am I to stand? How can I walk the line between being in one culture, but also recognising my own, and allowing myself the space to enjoy this part of my life journey also.
I recognise that I definitely take people’s words and actions too much to heart.
My desire is to learn through this experience, how to let God’s peace rule and reign in my heart, regardless of what may happen around me or to me. That is what is missing in my experience.
And from that peace, I want to learn to respond in love better. That my words may be gracious and understanding, and not snappy and irritable.
Oh God, work in my heart and change me to be more like you!
Thursday, April 18, 2013
One of Those Days
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1 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.