Sunday, October 17, 2010

Thank God!

I had my first experience yesterday of being the ‘speaker’ at a school. I was teaching on ‘Hearing God’s Voice.’ It was crazy. If you think about anything that could possibly go wrong... it probably did! I was showing a DVD and it took 6 laptops and 2 p.c. towers before it actually got shown. All the messing around wasted 45 mins of time. The technical support that the school usually has happened to have the day off yesterday.
We ran out of coffee... then sugar... then milk...
However, I can 100% testify that God was the one that held the day together. I did not feel even slightly stressed. I was able to laugh in the face of all the difficulties. And the testimonies at the end of the day were amazing.
One student said that they’d always struggled with hearing God’s voice, but that throughout the day they had heard him so clearly and so often.
Another student said that she’s learnt so much from the teaching. She said she didn't even notice the distractions and problems.
Some students shared how they were encouraged through the ‘words’ that they had been given when we practiced hearing God’s voice for each other.
It was quite an experience. Perhaps not one that I would wish to repeat but WOW! I learnt so much.
I had put in a LOT of effort leading up to the day preparing and organizing and getting everything as perfect as I could and I knew that everything else was in God’s hands. I had done all that I could and it was up to him to do the rest. 
No matter how much preparation I do, or how well I teach, it is God who makes a day like that wonderful. Maybe success is measured differently to what we think?
Thank you God, for saving my butt!

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