Saturday, March 27, 2010

Freedom of the Heart

I have within me, a deep desire for freedom, which, I believe, was put there by design. This freedom can, however, lead to independence, which I am increasingly coming to believe is not the best expression of freedom.
When Mum was here in February, we had a conversation at one point where we were discussing the need for freedom. She said something that has stayed with me. She was saying that she understands the inner drive to be free, to be a wanderer, to not be bound by obligation or expectation. And, with 20 years of experience on me, she says that she is finally understanding that true freedom is a freedom of the heart. 
Physical freedom can be taken away by force. This is something that I fear for myself. I don’t like to be walked all over or have choices made for me, or rights taken away without my consent. And all these things can, and do, happen.
But a freedom of the heart can never be taken away by anyone. It can only be given up by myself, if I ‘sell my soul’ for a lie, for example. 
In my head, I understand that true freedom cannot be found anywhere but in Jesus. However, I do not have a heart understanding of what heart freedom really is. I do not yet know how to completely release the things in my heart which still hold me, even though it has been many years of walking in forgiveness and of allowing the Holy Spirit to work in me.
So, God, I want to know, in a practical way, how can I walk in heart freedom? 

1 comment:

Melody Joy said...

this is my favourite one yet...