This past week in our Discipleship Training School, we had teaching by Steve Aherne on Submission and Authority. As I was leading this week, I spent some time before the week began in prayer asking God what he wanted to say to me about this topic.
In addition to this, I have also been feeling a hunger inside me to ‘go deep’ into God, but was not sure what that practically meant.
I asked God this question: ‘What does it mean to ‘go deep’ in you, within the context of submission and authority?’
I saw a picture of an umbrella…
Then I sensed that God was saying to me, authority is like an umbrella, an area of protection. Going deep may mean going deep into the centre of the umbrella’s protection where it is safest and most intimate.
I believe that submission and obedience are two entirely different things. I was relieved to find that according to our speaker, this is biblically backed.
Steve teaches that submission is unconditional, all the time to all people and that it is about ATTITUDE. He says that obedience is conditional (to people), only applies all the time to God and is about ACTION. Our hearts must always be submissive; bless, be humble, loving and respectful.
Obedience belongs first to God in all circumstances. After God, there are five areas of authority: individual, family, church, work and government. Each area has a set boundary and each area should not cross over into another area’s territory.
I found this teaching to be very helpful.
Submission is a lesson that I have been learning for the past two years and it has not come easy to me. I have experienced a number of negative leaders who have made unwise choices and have been proven wrong. I have also been taught that submission and obedience are one and the same and so when a leader over me, right or wrong, tells me to do something, I must immediately obey and leave the consequences to God.
I do not believe this.
For myself, I am learning how to have a submissive heart towards people in authority over me. I do not have it completely worked out yet but I am definitely learning, which is the journey in the end...
Great piece Jasmin,food for thought on the difference between submission and obedience. Keep writing!
And btw, this is Wanz :)
Hi! Thank you! You have a blogpage also?
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